What Makes a Great Biscuit?
Pillsbury’s Golden Buttermilk Baked Biscuits Have Enhanced Taste and Texture
Pillsbury’s Golden Buttermilk Baked Biscuits have improved both taste and texture to deliver a better biscuit experience:
Spicy Sicilian Sliders (using Pillsbury™ Golden Buttermilk Baked Biscuit Mini, 1 oz) Turkey, pepperoni and mozzarella nestle in a little slider-size sandwiches made with Fresh Pillsbury™ Whole Grain-Rich Mini Biscuits.
Watch this video by Corporate Chef Gilles Stassart, which highlights what makes a great biscuit, what we did to improve our current Pillsbury baked biscuit, how the renovated baked biscuits compare to the previous ones and ideas for how to menu baked biscuits.
Baked Biscuit Recipe Book
¹ Source: General Mills Product Guidance & Insights; The National Food Lab (Plymouth, MN); n=125 (Feb 2020) * NPD SupplyTrack Executive Topline, Total Foodservice, Frozen Biscuits, $ Vol Last 12 Months thru Aug 2020