Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza Dough

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If you’re looking for the ultimate thick crust, look no further. Deep dish pizza dough, with its unique subtly sweet taste, is made to hold as many toppings as you can imagine…and then some. Plan ahead when baking this pizza though, it takes about 45-60 minutes!

King Wheat® Flour 100% 12 lb 8 oz 25 lb
Water* 54% 6 lb 12 oz 13 lb 8 oz
Salt 1.0% 2 oz 4 oz
Sugar 2.0% 4 oz 8 oz
Corn Oil 8.0% 1 lb 2 lb
Yeast (instant) 0.75% 1.5 oz 3 oz
Batch Weight   20 lb 11.5 oz 41 lb 7 oz

*Temper water to achieve suggested finished dough temperature.


  1. Place water, flour, salt, sugar, and yeast into the mixing bowl.
  2. Blend on LOW speed for 1 minute.
  3. Add corn oil and continue to mix to desired development (6 to 8 minutes on low speed).

Short Fermentation Method:

Suggested dough temperature at 85-90°F.

Remove from mixer and ferment in bulk for 60 to 90 minutes. Scale and round into desired size. Cover doughballs lightly with oil and pat into lightly oiled deep dish pans. Allow dough to relax at room temperature for 15 minutes. Pat dough out to the side walls of the pan and form edge. Cheese and top and allow to proof 15 to 45 minutes (dependent on thickness desired). Bake in a 450°F oven until golden brown.

Long Fermentation Method:

Suggested dough temperature at 75-80°F.

Remove from mixer and ferment in bulk for 30 to 60 minutes. Scale and round into desired size. Cover doughballs lightly with oil and pat into lightly oiled deep dish pans. Pat dough out to the side walls of the pan. Stack or cover pans to prevent drying. Place pans in cooler for 8 – 12 hours. Pull pans and allow to warm 15 to 45 minutes. Pat dough out to the side walls of the pan and form edge. Cheese and top. Bake in a 450°F oven until golden brown.