Oven temperature too low
Oven temperature is always critical to good baking. Oven performance should be checked frequently to ensure correct temperature and detect hot spots.
Too much liquid
Follow package directions for proper water amounts. If possible, use a scale to weigh the water.
Over filling pans
Follow package directions for proper scaling amounts. Be sure to level off scoop before depositing batter into pan.
Acidic ingredients
Batters that contain acidic ingredients (e.g., raw/uncooked cranberries, blueberries, citrus fruits) should not be frozen or refrigerated as this will result in loss of leavening.
Old batter
Batters should be used or frozen as soon after mixing as possible. Batters refrigerated longer than 48 hours will have significant loss of leavening.
Incorrect liquid (too little)
Oven temperature too high
Follow package directions for proper baking times. Have oven checked for accuracy.
Over mixing
Hand mixing is primary make-up method. If machine mixing make sure and follow package directions. If possible, use an electric timer to automatically shut off mixer.
Hot spots / cool spots in oven
Pans should be rotated 180° after 5 -7 minutes of baking.
Inadequate pan greasing
Provide adequate coverage of pan release on pans before depositing batter; grease tops and cups of muffin pan. Grease only tops of pans when using paper liners.
Batter has been refrigerated or frozen
Allow batter to temper for 30 minutes prior to baking frozen batter.
Pans were not rotated in a convection oven
Pans should be rotated 180° after 5 – 7 minutes of baking.
Under baking / over loading of oven
Follow package directions for proper baking temperatures and times. Fully loaded ovens reduce oven temperature in the first few minutes of baking. Bake times may need to be extended. Centers of muffins should spring back when lightly touched.
Follow package directions for proper baking temperatures. Have oven checked for accuracy using an oven thermometer.
Over baking / oven temperature too high
Follow package directions for proper baking temperatures and times. Have oven checked for accuracy using an oven thermometer.
Uneven heat
Deck oven is used to bake muffins
Deck ovens may provide uneven bottom heat. Place a sheet pan under the muffin tins when using a deck oven.
Over baking
Too little liquid
Muffins stored improperly
Make sure cooled muffins are completely covered. Use an enclosed cabinet or cover completely with sheet pan bag.
Oven temperature is too high