Biscuits are a beloved item across menu and day parts. 2.8 billion are served in restaurants each year—more than toast and English Muffins combined!²
Pillsbury™ biscuits beat the competition
Success with an offering this popular rests on ensuring each and every biscuit you serve is the most delicious around. The good news is that frozen baked and unbaked Pillsbury™ Biscuits score high in tests against competitors when it comes to consumers’ preference for texture, flavor and appearance.³ Choose Pillsbury for delicious biscuits that rise above the rest in terms of your patrons’ taste buds. Bonus: you’ll benefit from their high quality and consistency, too!
Whether you’re serving biscuits for breakfast, in bread baskets, desserts, as center of the plate items or in any number of other applications, get the delicious taste and high quality your patrons want with Pillsbury™.
Download a rebate on Pillsbury™ biscuits today!
Biscuit Applications
Bigger biscuits are on trend with those weighing more than 4 oz. driving category growth.⁴ This means that Pillsbury™ 4.5 oz. Biscuits are the perfect size for serving in-demand biscuit sandwiches, biscuits and gravy and more.
For tons of delicious biscuit recipes, see the biscuit recipe collection.
Biscuits in motion!
Want to do more with your biscuits? Check out these biscuit inspiration videos for innovative ways to transform biscuits across menu and dayparts.
Biscuit videos
Biscuit Sandwich Recipe Book
1General Mills is 48 share for total frozen biscuits in total foodservice, NPD SupplyTrack 12 mos. ending 10/2018 2NPD CREST YE January 2018 3NAR and C&F Biscuit Category Appraisal CLT, September 2017 4SupplyTrack Biscuits 12 mos. ending 4/18